Sunday, March 29, 2015

Heartache of an Immigrant Family

I read the article titled The Heartache of an Immigrant Family from the New York Times. The article talks about immigration to America. This is such a difficult topic to talk about without hurting someone's feelings,or offending someone. This topic also talks about that for the poor immigration can take a dramatic affect on people and families. Lourdes Pineda was single mother who had a 5 year old boy and a 7 year old girl. She had to sell tortillas and sold used clothes only to make barely enough money to feed her children.She had to leave Honduras to support her family, so that they could be able to go to school because if she didn't then her children's education would stop at the sixth grade. She left Mexico and came to the United States to be a nanny. Her daughter went to live with her mother's mom and her son went to live with his father's mother. Enrique, was passed from family member to family member. He wondered why his mother didn't love him enough to be with him? When he turned 16 he went to find her. He crossed the border eight times to get into the U.S. Enrique had to also leave behind ones he loved ;such as, his girlfriend who he later realized was pregnant. Maria, Enrique's girlfriend, then also set off to find him leaving their daughter behind. Enrique did not want the same type of treatment he received , so he sent for her to come to Jacksonville ,Fla. where they had established a home. After Enrique came to the U.S. more migrants came to the U.S. a thousand laws were passed addressing unlawful migrants. Adult migrants were being sent back ,but children born in the United States stayed. The children had to live in foster care homes. In 2011, Enrique was at a friend's motel when the police had arrived and arrested Enrique for not paying a ticket without a license. Maria was pregnant with his second child. Enrique never got to hold his newborn son,and if he were sent back to Mexico then his children would be fatherless. Two lawyers changed that around, Enrique and Maria both received a visa to stay in the U.S. legally.

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