Friday, May 1, 2015

Current topic - Baltimore Police

I enjoyed reading this paper about the Baltimore Police, I think that not every police officer is a bad one, or that one police officer should all be compared the same.I understand that Freddie Gray had died because of a spinal injury, then there was a small peaceful protest about what had happened. It almost seemed like the peaceful protest wasn't enough that they had to go and make an uproar about this man. Freddie Gray, is not hurting anymore, even though he was apart of someone's life, I believe that taking these types of riots are helping anything. Making a mess and throwing bricks at police officers, burning down buildings and even taking from the less fortunate!! This makes me the most angry because of stealing and breaking into buildings and thinking they could get by with this. I love how one woman and mother found her son in participating in the streets, and she goes and takes him and tells him to go back home! Good for her, I'm not saying that most parents would want their children to be in this mess, it was just by chance that she seen her son in that large crowd and she went to get him. Then there's the topic about the baseball game where there is not going to be any spectators watching the games, so then the games are going to loose money, other than the baseball players who will get money regardless. I hope that this world comes to a close soon. I am not sure how much more of this kind of insane type of news I can handle.  

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