Thursday, April 23, 2015

America's Getting Less White, and That Will Save It

This article was a really cool read. I thought that the way that the article gave us charts and circle graphs were great for people that are visual like me. The paper discussed the way America has reached a different milestone, where minority babies were born instead of white babies in a year. The paper said that in about three decades, white people will constitute minority of all Americans. The baby boom era was where a lot of citizens were getting ready to leave for war and before they left they left a lot of baby mothers back at home. Now, most of those children that were born during that time are getting older and in this generation of people we are having fewer children and having them later in life. The future will have "new minorities" ;such as, Hispanics, Asians, and other multiracial populations. A fact that I found interesting said the America that has large numbers of today's older and middle-aged adults grew up with civic lives. One of these shifts will be larger multiracial populations because of multiracial marriages are going to be far more common. Even though, whites are still a minority in the United States this will eventually change because of minority members will take on more responsibility, more political clout, and show their strengths as consumers to be taken seriously.  

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