Saturday, April 18, 2015

Beyond the Burqa

The article in my classroom textbook was a different article than what I was expecting. I did enjoy reading about the what women have to endure in different countries; such as, the types of clothing that they have to wear,or who they will marry. The story that caught my eye the most in the book was about how a soap opera T.V. show was considered risque for citizens to watch because of the way the women were acting in this show. I thought that in another women's case was that she had wanted to go to school and learn something, but she had to bargain with her parents to see if she was allowed to go to school the parents were allowed to pick out who she was going to marry. I thought that was very unfair! As an American it's hard to even imagine these traditions are carried out. One of my traditions that I have in my family/religious traditions is that we believe that women do not wear pants, or cut their hair. I have never personally cut my hair in all of my 23 years of living. Some people may call me crazy,but this is my tradition and also my belief. I am not going to say that my belief is better than another, because who is really to know if one is better? This is how I was raised and brought up ;therefore, it has been hard for me as a female. As a child in elementary and throughout grade school I was picked on and always asked "why do you wear a skirt all the time?" Being different is always hard. I think of these song lyrics from a Christian band that keep my feet on the ground, so I do not say anything bad or think different of myself. " If you don't stand for something, you might fall for anything." - Thousand Foot Krutch

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