Sunday, April 12, 2015

I read an article on Military Diversity on

The article that I read about had to deal with the Pentagon. The Government has made goals to have diversity in lower ranks in the military,but they have found that diversity lacks as the ranks are higher as you go up the officer ranks. The officers are less in Diversity than the enlisted soldiers they lead. Non-Hispanic whites made up at least 66 percent, blacks accounted for the 12 percent and only represent only 8% of the active duty officers. In 2009 the Army was the most diverse branch making up 10% of the generals. Gender diversity was another topic that lead to fifty-one percent of Women Americans and only accounted for 16 percent of officers. The two reasons for the shortage in women were because of the higher turnover rates than the males, and having women in combat arms which could lead to promotion. The article says that women are less likely to stay in the military, since staying in one location and high risk of deployment were reasons to separate. The recommendations for changing racial and gender diversity were to have more training in diverse situations to improve women in the group of qualified enlisted. To have more transparency in promotion system;therefore, service members have better performance for promotion. 

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